- using hue in the color of the object to detect the characters of object,it can track object well!-using hue in the color of the object to detec not the characters of object, it can track object well!
- detect the object and make a retangle -detect the object and make a Greimas
- This algorithm will perform hough transform and detect shape of an object.-This algorithm will perform hough transfo rm and detect shape of an object.
- Camera s calibration common object is grids. Deal with the grids ,pop method was corner-detect. But when the picture is distort strongly,it will useless. So,I try to take the centres of the grids to act as the tarket symbols for calibration.
- The source is to detect certain object in one image using Haar algorithm.This is a classic algorithhm in the field of image processing,and also suitable in video processing.
- The source is to detect templates of motion object.This template is very useful in such field like face recognition, machine control,etc.
openCV morphing
- using morphing algorithm to detect the virtual object from two different base camera
- 本示例程序采用的Visual C++进行开发的,可以检测两个旋转物体的碰撞检测,采用的是包围盒算法。,Procedures used in this example Visual C++ For development, can detect the two rotating object collision detection, using the bounding box algorithm.
- Content based video retrieval to develop a inference engine to detect same object across multiple cameras.This is done through histogram comparison and tested for accuracy.
- 该工程是用C++实现的在视频中自动识别人眼、人脸,并跟踪,在目标移动速度较慢和无遮挡时,实时性和稳定性较好-this object is to detect and track the human eyes and face,the effect is well if the human move slowly and without occlusion
- 使用时间差分法检测一段AVI视频中的运动目标,用矩形框标示出来,需要使用OPENCV-Use of time to detect a difference in the moving object AVI video with a rectangular box, marked out, need to use OPENCV
- this file combines c++ and opencv,it can detect humanbody in a seris of images,the image can be a video file。It uses HOG operater to make the moving object is human。
- arm9 Linux下基于摄像头的物体移动检测程序,可以用在门禁上,当有人经过时,自动通过基于video4linux的摄像头检测到物体-arm9 Linux-based mobile camera object detection procedures, can be used in access control, when it was passing, automatic Video4Linux based camera to detect objects
- capture the image of the inpu object from the user and then detect image edge of the object-find the edge of image by different methods such as sobel,canny,gaussian and capture the image of the user
- 本文提出了一种基于方向可变滤波器的改进Hough变换方法。该方法首先利用方向可变滤波器检测出图像边缘以及边缘的方向特性,然后基于边缘点及其方向,通过改进的Hough变换得到圆心、半径。最后,将该算法应用于球类对象分割并得到较好的结果。-In this paper, a variable filter based on the direction of improving the method of Hough transform. The direction of the first to us
- opencv的相关操作,用c++实现对运动目标的监控-using opencv to detect moving object
- 本实验软件开发,使用Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0,Camera所撷取的影像经由USB接口传送回个人计算机,使用微软公司所提供的利用VFW(Video for windows)SDK,VFW SDK为在Windows 系统中实现视讯撷取提供了标准的接口,利用其中的影像撷取公用函式将Camera所撷取到的影像撷取至内存中以进行影像处理。异常侦测流程,首先会先撷取正常状态下的环境影像,建立标准对照影像。当环境有异常时,所撷取之影像产生变化,与标准对照产生差异,比对后应可侦测异常状态
- 本程序实现的是在复杂背景下进行运动目标提取的工作-This program shows that how to detect motiving object in complexity enviroment
- gui,实现视频的读入,以及图像的获取,并实现kalman滤波对目标物的位置进行检测预测-kalman filter detect the object
- program to detect the edge of the object in image