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  1. cpsnr

  2. 一个自动添加高斯噪声 对比图像处理后psnr的程序 参数可自己修改-We want to test PSNR with variable gaussian blur. Then the different values of PSNR under different parameteres would be compared in order to find the relationship between PSNR and the gaussian blur.
  3. 所属分类:software engineering

    • 发布日期:2017-03-29
    • 文件大小:2403
    • 提供者:Yang
  1. Image-processing

  2. 用matlab对产生运动模糊的图像进行处理,选用保时捷车轮胎做示范图片-Sample Image selection Porsche car tire motion blur image processing using matlab
  3. 所属分类:Project Design

    • 发布日期:2017-11-21
    • 文件大小:403050
    • 提供者:guanzuoyu
  1. Gri-ve-Renkli-Resim-Temizle-Matlab

  2. Solves for 1D motion blur assuming object is moving top to bottomUsing the 52 element binary sequence for fluttering-Solves for 1D motion blur assuming object is moving top to bottomUsing the 52 element binary sequence for fluttering
  3. 所属分类:software engineering

    • 发布日期:2017-05-11
    • 文件大小:2415705
    • 提供者:iboo