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  1. vxworks-6.2-doc

  2. lDocumentation for VxVorks 6.2. Migration Guide, Application API Reference, Driver API Reference, BSP developers Guide, CLI Tools Users Guide, Device Driver Developers Guide and more.
  3. 所属分类:software engineering

    • 发布日期:2017-06-09
    • 文件大小:16509560
    • 提供者:puppe
  1. jida32

  2. JIDA32 DEMO for Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP/Vista/CE, Linux, VxWorks -1. Purpose: ----------- JIDA is an API that provides control over many Kontron Embedded Modules specific board features. 2. Files/Directories: ----------------
  3. 所属分类:software engineering

    • 发布日期:2017-03-14
    • 文件大小:278536
    • 提供者:Hunt
  1. vxworks-net

  2. 这个网络协议工具包的版本描述了MUX,与VxWorks 网络栈的一个通用底 层接口。通过提供一个API 接口,MUX 可以支持新的网络驱动程序和网络 协议。 通过MUX,你可以在VxWorks 网络栈里添加新的组件,包括网络和MAC 协议,接口驱动程序,一般网络服务,和协议扩展。-The kit version of the network protocol describes the MUX, and the VxWorks networ
  3. 所属分类:software engineering

    • 发布日期:2017-03-27
    • 文件大小:301092
    • 提供者:王浆
  1. RefswDebuggingGuide

  2. Debugging software on embedded systems has never been easy, but Broadcom has built a few checks into its Settop API Reference Software that may provide some help. This document provides some tips and starting points for debugging code. This doc
  3. 所属分类:software engineering

    • 发布日期:
    • 文件大小:209326
    • 提供者:谭博