- Routine mar1psd: To compute the power spectum by AR-model parameters. Input parameters: ip : AR model order (integer) ep : White noise variance of model input (real) ts : Sample interval in seconds (real) a : Complex array of AR parame
- 一、 MPEG-2系统标准概述 二、 MPEG-2传送流结构 三、MPEG-2的系统时序模型 四、节目特殊信息PSI和服务信息SI 五、MPEG-2传送流的复用过程 ,1, MPEG-2 system standard outlined in the second, MPEG-2 transport stream structure III, MPEG-2 four-time series model of the system and program specific informat
- 这是一个关于模糊TS模型的例子,对初学TS模型的人很有用-This is an example of fuzzy TS model, TS model for beginners who are useful
- 基于T-s模糊模型用于估计非线性系统的状态的kalman滤波器。-Ts-based fuzzy model used to estimate the state of nonlinear systems kalman filter.
- 协同模糊聚类建模通过特征选择和协同模糊聚类的模糊建模方法构建T-S模型,并用此模型对数据进行测试。-Collaborative fuzzy clustering modeling and collaboration through the feature selection fuzzy clustering TS fuzzy modeling method to build models and use this model of data for testing.
- 这是一个图书销售的java程序,按不同的销售模式分为五种方法,可以使销售图书时操作简单。-This is a java program book sales, according to a different sales model is divided into five kinds of method to sell your books easy to operate.
- VC中的Serialization串行化范例代码,串行化是微软提供的用于对对象进行文件I/O的一种机制,在框架(Frame)/文档(Document)/视图(View) 模式中得到了很好的应用。但是目前有不少人对什么是串行化、怎么使对象具有串行化能力和如何使用串行化功能等问题都不甚明了。本示例是对串行化做一个简单的解释。 -VC in the Serialization sample serialization code, serialization is provided by Micro
- GA_Traffic The Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) is maybe the archetypical problem in combinatorial optimization. This problem and its generalizations, vehicle routing problems, have been studied for more than thirty years two entire monograph
- 模糊神经网络 预测 软计算 T-S模糊模型 训练-Fuzzy neural network training in soft computing TS fuzzy model
- 模型辨识 模糊神经网络 T-S模型 输入输出 隶属度函数-Model Identification of TS Fuzzy Neural Network model input and output membership function
- TS-Fuzzy Model模糊系统论文pdf文件以及Matlab code源码,对学习很有帮助。-paper: "Compact TS-Fuzzy Models through Clustering and OLS plus FIS Model Reduction" and Matlab code.
- D3D HOOK模块,可用于制作DX类游戏的外挂,如透视等效果的模板。-D3D HOOK module can be used to make plug-DX games, such as perspective and other effects of the template.
- 本文研究了模糊系统和神经网络这两种人工智能方法的长处和短处,并将它们有机地结合在一起。将基于T-S模型的模糊神经网络应用于水质评价中,取得了较好的效果,为水质评价提供了一个新的方法。 -In this paper, fuzzy systems and neural network artificial intelligence methods both strengths and weaknesses, and they are organically combined. TS model
- lte evolution implementation in matlab mimo system try its an open source model
- 基于TS模型的广义预测控制算法,预测模型为TS模糊辨识-Generalized Predictive Control Algorithm Based on TS Model prediction model for TS Fuzzy Identification
- 模糊控制的一级倒立摆仿真,采用TS模型,TTS模糊模型,是非线形复杂系统模糊建模中一个典型的模糊动态模型。这类模型采用的模糊规则:其前件是依据系统输入、输出间是否存在局部线形关系来进行划分;而其后件是多项式线形方程来表达,从而构成各条规则间的线形组合,使非线形系统的全局输出具有良好的线性描述特性。-Fuzzy Control of an inverted pendulum simulation, using the TS model, TTS fuzzy model, a non-linear
- TS fuzzy model tutorial that can help you. by: Kamyar Mehran Industrial Automation, Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (EEE8005) School of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering
- 可以实现基于TV模型的图像修复,包括图像二值化,灰度化已经图像修复后的结果。-Image restoration can be achieved based on TS model
- 主要是基于TS模糊模型的倒立摆程序,包含了四条规则(Mainly based on TS fuzzy model of the inverted pendulum)
DirectX 9 TS
- 使用方法:以管理员方式运行注入器,将DLL注入游戏,游戏内提示开启成功,在游戏内使用左右方向键调节透视模型。 只要你能将DLL注入游戏,那就绝对能用!(Usage: run the injector in the way of the administrator, inject DLL into the game, the prompting in the game is successful, and the perspective model is adjusted by using