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  1. xPool

  2. I created this program to help me in my old job, to cover some faults, that the software have. The program do things like this: - analyze keyboard searching for some key events - help counting money - help controlling entries and exits - Calculate t
  3. 所属分类:Communication

    • 发布日期:2017-03-29
    • 文件大小:454127
    • 提供者:koeching
  1. Easy DMR Contacts Generator By HK3A v1.1.2 绿色汉化

  2. Easy DMR Contacts Generator是每位DMR数字模式用户值得下载的实用软件,它收集了来自世界各地的DMR ID数据,使用该软件可以下载来自不同国家/地区的DMR ID,目前,该软件导出的ID支持以下机型: Ailunce HD1 Retevis RT52 / RT3S / RT90 / RT84 / RT82 TYT MD-380/390 MD-2017 / MD-9600 AnyTone Radioddity GD-77 Baofeng DM-1701
  3. 所属分类:编程文档
