- 、识别假IPOD:我一直怀疑自已的IPOD是假的,又无法拆开,这个任务交给我搞定 5、维修好帮手:数码维修人员整天和数码产品打交道,我的出现就是你的得力助手 6、其它USB外设:买读卡器、移动硬盘、USB鼠标....,从专业角度帮你挑选对比
- 热插拔设备现在是一个巨大威胁的IT安全。 In this article, we will try to develop a user-mode application to detect device change on the system, ie plug-in a USB drive, iPod, USB wireless network card, etc. The program can also disable any newly plugged devices.在本文中,我们将尝
- this a user-mode application to detect device change on the system, i.e. plug-in a USB drive, iPod, USB wireless network card, etc. -this a user-mode application to detect device change on the system, ie plug-in a USB drive, iPod, USB wireless networ
- 此工具帮助我们检测热插拔设备的状态,拔出或者插入-we will try to develop a user-mode application to detect device change on the system, i.e. plug-in a USB drive, iPod, USB wireless network card, etc. The program can also disable any newly plugged devices.
- apple ipod产品Usb驱动和测试代码-IPod Usb driver and test code
- 本程序是在用户模式下检测设备的拔插,比如USB驱动设备、iPod、无线网卡等,该软件还可以禁用任何新插入的设备。-We develop a user-mode application to detect device change on the system, i.e. plug-in a USB drive, iPod, USB wireless network card, etc. The program can also disable any newly plugged devices.