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Adyen PHP Integration
- The code examples in this reposity help you integrate with the Adyen platform using PHP. Please go through the code examples and read the documentation in the files itself. Each code example requires you to change some parameters to connect to your A
- ButtonMenu is an Android library created to build user interfaces based on buttons. This library has been implemented using Model View ViewModel pattern combined with an Android custom view that extends LinearLayout.
PubNub Real-time Data Network
- PubNub Real-time Data Network Clients for PHP and Composer How to include PHP >= 5.3 without composer
Facebook OAuth
- php code snippets and example projects
PHP.rb: A Ruby to PHP Code Generator
- "Will write code that writes code that writes code that writes code for money." -- Anonymous on comp.lang.lisp PHP.rb translates Ruby code into PHP code by obtaining the parse tree for a Ruby expression, transforming that into an abstract s