《图灵程序设计丛书:征服C指针》被称为日本最有营养的C参考书。作者是日本著名的“毒舌程序员”,其言辞犀利,观点鲜明,往往能让读者迅速领悟要领。书中结合了作者多年的编程经验和感悟,从C语言指针的概念讲起,通过实验一步一步地为我们解释了指针和数组、内存、数据结构的关系,展现了指针的常见用法,揭示了各种使用技巧。另外,还通过独特的方式教会我们怎样解读C语言那些让人“纠结”的声明语法,如何绕过C指针的陷阱。(The Turing Programming Series: the C pointer is known as the most nutritious C reference book in Japan. The author is a famous Japanese "tongue programmer", words sharp points clear, often allow readers to quickly grasp the essentials. The book combines the author's years of programming experience and insights. From the concept of C language pointer, we explain the relationship between pointer and array, memory and data structure step by step, and show the common usage of pointer, and reveal all kinds of skills. In addition, it teaches us how to interpret the "entangled" declarative syntax of the C language and how to bypass the trap of the C pointer through a unique way.)
相关搜索: 指针
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58bd84f5aeff303c90bfaf81d8d8283e | 13486080 | 2018-03-03 |
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